Energy Work

Connection & Wisdom


A Journey towards Enlightenment where the power of your Spirit
meets the wisdom of the Universe.

Connection & Wisdom

Release tension and find centeredness within by grounding your body and
anchoring yourself to the Earth

Foundations of Intuitive Meditation Course

This 90-day comprehensive and transformative journey is designed to supercharge your ability to access your intuition and gain clarity through the creativity of your mind’s eye and use images as a means to communicate with your Higher Self and the Universe.

You will learn practical tools to use in meditation and out in everyday life to. . .

  • create boundaries so you can feel safe in your space
  • know how your own energy feels and how foreign energy feels
  • release stuck energies like stress and pain and old patterns that you have outgrown
  • manifest effortlessly what you want & create magic in your relationships, at work etc.
  • rediscover your joy, freedom and creativity to live your life to the fullest
  • reconnect with yourself & find your own answers
  • Gain tools and awareness that allow you to set the kind of energy you want in a room or space – relaxing, rejuvenating, inspiring, creative, and joyful, etc.
  • Learn a wonderful and powerful tool for healing yourself and clearing away lots of old energies that no longer serve you.
  • Learn how to make what once seemed like a huge problem dissolve so you can find the answers you’ve been looking for.
  • Learn how to hold your own essence no matter what is going on around you.
  • Learn how to be in present time; it’s where the presents are!
  • Learn how to tell the truth from a lie.
  • Learn an extremely powerful tool to get out of resistance (what you resist persists!) and into your own dynamic flow.

The course runs from September 11th to November 27th and live classes will be held every Wednesday from 7-9pm EST via Zoom

Intuitive Readings & Healings

Intuitive Readings & Healings


Explore your inner self with an intuitive reading and healing session that goes beyond the ordinary. In our sessions we will take it to a deeper level, examining your connection to your higher Self and the Universe. I help you identify barriers hindering your soul’s purpose, uncover family patterns, and illuminate shadows. My intuitive approach identifies outdated belief systems, which I will help you release, facilitating a profound shift within you.

1 session (60 minutes) $200

3 session Package (60 minutes each) $575

Spiritual Deprogramming


A substantial part of our self-perception and emotional experiences can be attributed to the influence of others’ beliefs that we’ve adopted as our own. Frequently, these central core beliefs serve as anchors for the formation of interconnected networks of related beliefs, generating significant cognitive and emotional frameworks. Using my intuitive method, I pinpoint these obsolete belief systems and programming and assist you in letting them go, enabling a transformative change within yourself.

1 session (60 minutes) $250

3 session Package (60 minutes each) $700
