
Holistic & Compassionate


Are You Ready To Embark On A Transformative Journey Of Self-Discovery And Empowerment?

The beauty of this journey lies in the fact that all the answers you seek already reside within you. I am here to support you in uncovering and integrating them, aligning your path with the authentic essence of who you are. Are you ready to set out on this empowering journey towards a life lived in true integrity and authenticity?

One-on-One Coaching


One-on-One Coaching

With your courage, curiosity and ambition we dive deep into your soul’s true purpose allowing you to become more energetically aware of how you currently show up, how it may interfere with what you really want and how it may hold you back from living a truly meaningful and purposeful life.

“My focus lies in creating the space for change and transitions, big or small, to become hugely transformational.”

Meeting you in a safe and sacred space looking at these challenges with curiosity and an open heart and mind will allow us to uncover hidden blockages that hold you in a space that does not support you to show up to your fullest potential.

“My ability to seeing you holistically as a whole person with many different parts and the innate ability to create the exact life that you desire. I will support you in becoming aware and acknowledge the areas in your life that aren’t working to your fullest satisfaction and you will be provided with tools and techniques that have the potential to be deeply empowering.”

Combining my intuition with the many tools of meditation and energy work as well as the clarity and focus of Cor.e energy coaching allows me to see with laser sharp focus where energies like thoughts and emotions are stuck and not moving in your best interest. We will look at ways on how you will be able to create Leadership for yourself, own your journey with everything that makes you so unique and integrating and loving ALL parts of yourself.

“In working with me we will peel back the layers of “your” onion to create an even more magnificent and powerful version of yourself that resonates in true integrity and authenticity with your Soul’s innermost purpose.”

Combining my intuition
You will be given the chance

You will be given the chance to create the inner freedom and peace that can set your creative potential free and allow you to step into the driver seat of your life. The beauty is that you already have all your answers within yourself. I am just here to support you in uncovering them and gradually integrating them in a way that is deeply aligned with you.



A highly concentrated 60 or 90 minute coaching session conducted over Zoom or phone, aimed at illuminating any challenging areas where you seek clarity or wish to release energy in your life.

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60-minutes: $200

90-minutes: $290

A 6-session (3 months) or 12-session (6 months) coaching series designed for those who want to gently delve into the exploration of a particular aspect of their life that may be unclear or uncertain, seeking greater clarity and support. Each session is 60 minutes long

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3-month series

Includes: 6 sessions bi-weekly Option of one payment upfront of $1,150 or 3 monthly payments of $400

6-month series

Includes: 12 sessions bi-weekly
Option of one payment upfront of $2,300 or 6 monthly payments of $400

An exclusive 4-6 month transformative 1-on-1 coaching journey weaving together an empowering blend of energy leadership coaching, powerful intuitive meditation techniques and elements of spiritual readings/healings to create the profound change you seek.

Prerequisite for this program is Level 1 & 2 of our Intuitive Meditation Intensive Course

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4-month series

Includes: 10 sessions
Weekly for the first month (4), bi-weekly for last 3 months (6).
Option of one payment upfront of $2,425 or 4 monthly payments of $625

6-month series

Includes: 16 sessions
Weekly for first two months (8), bi-weekly for last 4 months (8). Option of one payment upfront of $3,900 or 6 monthly payments of $667


Investment includes:
– Approx. 30-minute online assessment
– 90-minute debrief with me as your ELI-MP (ELI-Master Practitioner) $495

Add the Energy Leadership™ Assessment to any session or package to even further increase your awareness around the 7 levels of Energy and how you perceive the world.

Group Coaching


Are you ready to take your team to the next level?

Group coaching can be a very powerful tool to create and inspire a highly empowered team that is working together and in sync as opposed to in competition and against each other. Being able to lead a team that is satisfied and where members feel safe and seen will create an environment of empowerment and high motivation and productivity.

“One of the core pieces to that is to show up as a true, inspiring and strong leader while still being human. Leading from a place of accountability and vulnerability is one of the core strengths rather than a sign of weakness.”

Please contact me to see what type of group coaching works best for you and your team and the goals that you have in mind

Group Coaching
Group Coaching Sessions:
  • Completely tailored to the inquiring group.
  • Can include a combination of coaching and meditation.
  • Workshop series available on specific topics such as personal leadership or corporate meditation classes.
Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) Assessment:
  • Created by iPEC.
  • Research-backed assessment tool.
  • Transforms abstract experiences into tangible metrics.
  • Focuses on the way individuals experience the world.
  • Available for both groups and individuals.
  • Allows for review, reflection, and reevaluation in the future.
Group Coaching
Group Coaching1
Group Coaching 2